Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Art Workshop

Year 4 enjoyed an art workshop from a visiting artist. During the day, Year 4 made lots of different items ready for a St George's Day parade in Chester on the 23rd April. Wolverham will be joining lots of other schools from Cheshire West and Chester to celebrate the day and learn even more facts!

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Music Concert

Wow!! What a super music concert. Well done to Year 4 and 5 for performing. I was very impressed and think you all did a fab job. Make sure you keep up the hard work and practice. Thank you too to all of the parents and family who came to support us. It was great to see so many of you there. 

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Music Concert - Thursday

Year 4 and Year 5 would like to invite their parents and carers to a music concert this Thursday at 2:30pm in the school hall. The children have been practicing for a few weeks and would love to show you their violin and cello skills. Look forward to seeing you!

Friday, 20 March 2015

Rhema Theatre visit

Year 4 enjoyed a workshop with Rheama Theatre. They took part in the whole school assembly and then benefitted from specialist teaching to help them learn about the Easter story. The children were very engaged and offered some brilliant acting. Well done! The work is going to be used in RE next week with Mrs Clements. 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Vent Diagram sorting in topic lesson

Year 4 have been looking at Europe as their topic. They have been comparing capital cities of different countries. The children sorted facts into a Venn Diagram to show if the fact linked to one or both cities. 

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Fab work based on The Day The Crayons Quit

As a whole school, we have been looking at a book called The Day The Crayons Quit.  The children then wrote some persuasive letters, pretending to be Duncan and trying to persuade the crayons to come back to work!  See the pictures below for some super examples of what the children in year 4 produced.  Keep up the hard work team!

The Return of The Iron Man

Wow!! Year 4 have been working really hard in our art and DT lessons and have used junk modelling to create our own Iron Man. The iron giant also has quotes from the text stuck over him. Well done team!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Fantastic newspaper introductions

Well done to all in Year 4!  I am really impressed with your newspaper introductions and I think that you have all included information on the 5ws that we spoke about.  You have also all worked hard on 'hooking' the reader.  Next up is gathering quotes!

The Return of The Iron Man...

The Iron Man has returned.

And his right foot, his enormous iron right foot, lifted - up, out into space, and the Iron Man stepped forward, off the cliff, into nothingness.
Down the cliff the Iron Man came toppling, head over heels.
From rock to rock, snag to snag, tumbling slowly. And as he crashed and crashed and crashed.
His iron legs fell off.
His iron arms broke off, and the hands broke off the arms.
His great iron ears fell off and his eyes fell out.
His great iron head fell off.
All the separate pieces tumbled, scattered, crashing, bumping, clanging, down on to the rocky beach far below.
A few rocks tumbled with him.

(The Iron Man, Ted Hughes)

Thursday, 5 March 2015

World Book Day

Throughout the day, Year 4 learnt lots of new facts about different books. The children enjoyed sharing their books with each other and also wrote some super book reviews.  Keep up the super reading and don't forget to get a parent to sign your book for The Great Wolverham Reading Challenge! 

Monday, 2 March 2015

Zoo Lab

Year 4 enjoyed a visit from Zoo Lab. They came to school with lots of animals and taught us about habitats. Year 4 were able to hold a cockroach, snake, gerbil and a giant African land snail!  They also were able to see a tarantula, although this was left in the box for health and safety!