Thursday, 20 November 2014

Debating in Year 4

Year 4 took part in a class debate, where they were discussing the question: "Was it a good idea that the Romans invaded Britain?"  The children spent some time talking through which side they felt they agreed with and then they wrote some notes about their argument. 

The children then spoke on their thoughts and took part in a class debate. I was every impressed with how everyone conducted themselves and their counter arguments were very good too. Well done year 4!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Chester Zoo trip

Year 4 has a super time at the zoo on Wednesday. They went to explore and compare the habitats of the animals as part of their science work. After the trip, the children have written some excellent recounts and newspaper reports. 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Last of the fencing

Today was Year Four's last session in fencing.  They have really enjoyed the sessions over the past few weeks and have learnt a lot about this sport. The children all took part with great enthusiasm and showed excellent manners. Below are a few pictures from our final session.  Year 4 would like to say a big thank you to all at the The Judo and Fencing Education Company, and Mrs Webb. 

Research in topic

Year 4 have been learning about Queen Boudicca. They are gathering facts to find out about her life and what made her famous. The children have been using poems, websites and a horrible histories video to do their research. Feel free to look at more facts using the links on our class page.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Let's fence!

Year 4 enjoyed another fencing session this afternoon. They used the plastic foils to practice lunging and being "on guard". The focus of the lesson was to practice the stances and become better at controlling the foil. The children also enjoyed playing some games linked to fencing. 

Deep in the forest...

Year 4 enjoyed exploring the forest at school. In their Literacy they have been reading the book 'Secret ets of Vesuvious'.  In this book, a group of children sail to a farm near the volcano. The children in the class have been using the description from the text to write their own stories. This week, the children have used the characters and information from the text but written their own story based in the forest. We visited the forest area at school to get some descriptive words using our senses. 

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Fencing session...

Year 4 enjoyed another fencing session this afternoon. They learnt how to defend and attack and some even tried some new fencing outfits!  The children have been learning that moving feet really helps to be ready to attack and defend against a partner. Well done to all of year 4, keep up the good fencing!

Friday, 26 September 2014

WOW Wall!

Well done to all of the children that have produced some super work. Don't forget that your work and achievements are displayed in our room on our wow wall!  This week we had some excellent homework information pages. Keep up the hard work!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

12.09.14 star of the week

Well done to the two stars of the week this week. 

Molly for her excellent Numeracy work.

Leon for his super Literacy work.

Well done again from Mr Bullen and Mrs Thorn

Who will be star of the week next week?


Year 4 enjoyed a fun afternoon fencing!! They benefitted from specialist teaching with Dean from the Judo & Fencing Education company. During this afternoon, the children learnt how to hold and use the foil. The whole class will be practising their fencing techniques for the next 4 weeks. More pictures to follow over the next few weeks...

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Summer Homework

WOW!  I was really impressed with all of the homework that has come in from over the summer holiday. You have been really creative and used various forms of media including PowerPoint, papier-mâché and pencil diagrams. Some of the work is shown below. Well done and keep up the good work.  

Monday, 30 June 2014

Chester Zoo trip

Year 4 are practicing map reading skills at  Chester Zoo. We currently have lovely weather and have stopped to check our location. More updates to follow...